Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Who Am I?

I'm pretty positive that I don't have any followers just yet who don't know who I am, but I figure I'll give you all the quick run through... You never know when you might learn something new :)

1. My name isn't really Annie. Its Annabel. I've never gone by anything other than Annie however, except to my father who often calls me by my actual name, even when I'm not in trouble.

2. I'm 19 going on 40, between the ears that is. I like to believe I don't quite have the physique of a 40 year old just yet, however, in an attempt not to offend, I must say there are some pretty hot 40-somethings out there (that means you mom!).
           - Note: Maybe I'm not quite 40 between the ears, but remember those days when you used your imagination to play pretend? Yeah, let's revert back to those days. Great, Thanks.

3. I'm sarcastic. I'm engaged. I have a cat, Missy, and a puppy, Sydney. I go to THE Ohio State University (Yeah, I went 'THE're). I'm a business major (as of right now). Cooking is my passion. I like applesauce, a lot. I like walks on the beach and long-stem red roses.. <-- Who doesn't?

That's probably enough about me. Let's be honest. You are not here to read about me. You're here to steal my cupcake recipes, and look at pictures of my puppy who just so happens to be the cutest thing since this...
If you happen to think this hedgehog is not cute, you should probably just remove yourself from my page now.

Anyways, I'm gonna go cook some cheap steaks ('cause I'm also cheap) and think of a way to dress Sydney up as a hedgehog in order to be recognized as the creator of the cutest thing on the planet.

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