Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Baked Corn

   Baked Corn has been a favorite dish of mine for a really long time. I remember back when I was waaaay pickier about food than I am now, it was one of the only things I would eat at family reunions. I wouldn't say it's really a main course, however, since I am usually only cooking for two, it's much easier to just pretend it is and not worry about cooking anything else with it. Then I only have to deal with a few leftovers (enough for lunch tomorrow). Anyways, this is a great fall food, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Here's everything you need to make Baked Corn! Pretty simple right? 

First step of this recipe is to dump all the ingredients in a bowl and mix. The exact measurements will be listed below.
In a greased dish, spread the gunk (yeah, it looks like gunk) until it looks even on top. I would recommend using a glass 9x9 dish, however, as you can see in this picture, I don't have one of those so I used whatever I had. (Hint Hint to anyone coming to my bridal shower/wedding)
After it's baked, it will look something like this. Ladies and gentlemen (if there's any gentlemen actually reading this), this is heaven on earth. It contains all the necessities for such a dish- corn, bread, cream, butter and cheese. It's a done deal. 
Bon Appetit!

Baked Corn 

Yields: ~ 1 9x9 Dish 

1 Jiffy Corn Bread Mix
1 can Creamed Corn
1 can Whole Kernel Corn - drained
1 C. Sour Cream
1 C. Cheddar Cheese (optional, but why omit it?)
4 Tbsp. Butter - melted

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease 9x9 baking dish
2. In a medium-sized bowl, mix all ingredients until combined
3. Spread mixture into greased pan
4. Bake for 1 hour until top of dish is a golden brown
5. Allow to cool for 5 minutes (seriously, its important) & Enjoy!

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