Monday, October 20, 2014

Get Rid of that "Stinkin Thinkin"

An extremely sweet and successful Mary Kay director I know has this funny saying that she uses all the time when one of us fabulous ladies starts that demise into a funk- Stinkin' Thinkin'. What is Stinkin' Thinkin' for those of you who aren't familiar? Well, I'd say it's anything you think or say to yourself or others that isn't in a positive manner.
     Ex) "I'm/You're not good enough"
             "I/You don't know how"
             "I/You can't"

These are just a few very minor examples of stinkin' thinkin' but to be quite frank about it, its thinking that just plain stinks. So how do we take out the garbage so our thinkin' will quit stinkin'?

   I don't really have an answer to that question. I'm hoping maybe somebody out there is an omnipotent being and can give me all the answers but I'm still looking. I will say that one thing I've found that really helps me is to remember something else a fabulous Mary Kay director once told us.. Say your Affirmations. My Whaaaaat? Well, let's go over the definition of an Affirmation real quick to clear that up- "the action or process of affirming something."
   And here we go with another Mary Kay saying- "What you think about you bring about." So let's bring all these things together. If the things you think about you bring about, and a great way to bring yourself from stinkin' thinkin' is to say affirmations then what does this mean for us?
   Well, for me, its means that when I'm feeling down, sad, anxious, hopeless, lonely, etc. I look in the mirror (seriously, go look at yourself) and repeatedly say (out loud; just shut the bathroom door), "I'm a beloved child of God, I am Strong, I am Powerful, and I will make a difference in My Life AND the Life of Others." How does this make me feel better?

1. I'm a beloved child of God. The one and only God. The one and only god who sent HIS beloved child to die for me. FOR ME. I can't be worthless. Jesus hung on that cross for me. He carried all my sins, and loves me anyways. Wow.
2. I am Strong: No worldly thing will bring me to my knees. No worldly thing will break me. No worldly feeling will overcome me.
3. I am Powerful: Powerful in the sense that the words I say and the things I think affect my life and other's lives everyday. I can save myself or someone else from the edge, or push them over it. That's power. What will it be?
4. I will make a difference in My Life: I don't have control of this life. God does. However, each and everyday I can do something to make the life I live a little bit closer to the way it was originally imagined to be. I WILL become something greater everyday.
5. And the Life of Others: Live for others, because its not about you. The pain you feel isn't selfish, but turn it around. Make it into something that can help to heal others who are feeling the same way. Do it because you can, and because you want to. 

And there it is people. How to Get Rid of that Stinkin' Thinkin'. Discover the things that affect you the most, and affirm yourself that those things cannot bring you down.. because they're just things. :)

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