Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I'm No Photographer

Do I have you attention yet? No?

 How about now?

I just finished up making and photographing these beautiful brownies. OMG so good. I love these Reese's chips. I got mine at Kroger, but they sell them just about everywhere :) Just made some good ole' Duncan Hines brownies (according to the more cakey recipe so they'd get nice and fluffy) and I threw in a few handfuls of those peanut butter chips. Mmm Mmm Mmm. A friend of Frankie's is coming over later so they can study so I thought I'd make them something good to snack on. I know, I'm wife material.

I've been trying my hand at taking better pictures lately. I've found recent interest in photography and what better way to practice than by taking pictures of the food I make and eat. Thanks to Frankie's very confusing and very expensive camera (he's actually good at this picture-taking stuff), I have been able to learn a few tricks of the trade, but I'm not nearly as good as him. Anyways, I guess what I'm getting at here is that this blog will never contain professional-looking, jaw-dropping pictures taken by me. However, I'll give it my best shot, and find perfectly good satisfaction in that.

Now, do me a favor, and go make some brownies.

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